Welcome to the Wars of the Roses Memorial Database
This database concerns the memorialisation of the series of conflicts known collectively as the Wars of the Roses. It includes both contemporary memorials (primarily funerary monuments and buildings such as memorial churches) and more modern memorials (including landscape features associated with Wars, plaques and information boards) which relate to events concerning and key figures associated with the Wars of the Roses between 1450 and 1499. It covers monuments primarily in the British Isles but also elsewhere. Such memorials can be extant or non-extant. The database currently contains 440 entries
In time, we hope the database will become a key resource for those wishing to understand more about or research the memorialisation of the Wars of the Roses, but also for those interested in the Wars who may wish to know what memorials can be seen when they visit a place. We continue to source public contributions and if you are aware of a memorial that doesn't appear on the database that meets the criteria set out above, please help us by contributing an entry via our submission form. If you see an error in one of the entries, please let us know by emailing wotrmemorials@battlefieldstrust.com.
Copyright, data protection and other related information about the project can be found on the online submission form. Images published on and information from the database can be re-used under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC 4.0)
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